
In a way this is just a notebook. I am storing here the useful tricks that I am not using often enough to remember. Nevertheless, it would be nice if it helped anybody.


How to find some details about CPU and memory quickly:

cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo

How to convert png, jpg ... to eps:

convert fig.jpg eps2:fig.eps

How to convert all png (or whatever) to jpg (or whatever):

for i in *.png ; do convert "$i" "${i%.*}.jpg" ; done

How to convert eps to pdf:

ps2pdf14 -dEPSCrop -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress fig.eps fig.pdf

How to merge pdf files:

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=spolu.pdf subor1.pdf subor2.pdf

How to merge gif images into gif animation:

gifsicle --delay=18 --loop fig*.gif > animation.gif

pdf word count:

ps2ascii paper_gPHT.pdf | wc -w

last reboot:

last reboot | head -1

setting the number of threads for OpenMP:



How to use more points in a function plot:

set sample 1000

How to reduce eps file for p3md plots in term ps:

set pm3d map
plot "data.dat" u 1:2:3 with image

How to reduce eps file for p3md plots in term ps:

set pm3d map
plot "data.dat" u 1:2:3 with image


How to run routine from a fortran module (gfortran example):

gfortran -shared modulename.f90 -o -fPIC
ccall( (:__modulename_MOD_routinename_libname, "$PATH_TO_LIB/libname"), Int32, ())


How to obtain the list of all running jobs if their names are too long:

condor_q -global -format "%d." ClusterId -format "%d" ProcId -format "%s\n " CMD -run

Why is my job in still the queue and not running

condor_q -name servername -analyze jobID

How to use condor_compile for job check-point outside the condor environment:

First of all we need a proper linking:
condor_compile -condor_standalone gfortran -o test.e test.f90

To run the job:
setarch x86_64 -R -L ./test.e -_condor_D_ALL

To restart the job from the check-point file:
setarch x86_64 -R -L ./test.e -_condor_restart ./test.e.ckpt